July 24, 2004 -

Master Biscuit

And monkeys might fly outta my butt ...

Remember that part in Wayne's World, when Wayne says what he'd really like to get paid to do his show? Yeah, well Best Buy just hired me as a Media Specialist to work in their video games, DVDs, and music section. So, basically, they're paying me to do Console Biscuits. They're passing me a check to spend frivolously (with discounts!) in their store, after which I can come here and report to you all the grand newness of the gaming industry.


I finished Hitman Contracts with 1 Silent Assassin, 1 Natural, and 10 Mass Murderer ratings. ... OKAY, SO I GOT CAUGHT A FEW TIMES! WHO'RE YOU, MY MOM?!

Lately, I've been focused on finishing up Xenosaga, seeing as how being in Russia really put me back in time. It's a wonderful RPG, if you're into science fiction and ... watching cutscenes more than you like playing the actual game. But hey, if any of you have played Final Fantasy X, it's no worse. Pick it up for about $20 bucks before Xenosaga 2 comes out in February 2005.

I think my next venture into the gaming industry will be the mindless fun of the Jak and Daxter series. Jak 1 and 2 are pretty cheap, and I've heard nothing but good things. Jak 3 is also out this October, so I gotta get a move on.

As for DVDs, James Cameron's Dark Angel series is now on DVD, seasons 1 and 2, for about $30 bucks at Walmart, probably the same at other locations. It was a great little show Fox decided to cancel during the third season, starring Jessica Alba. It's hot. She's hot. Solid story. Cheap as fuck. I'm not really sure how the second season ends, since I never had a lot of time to watch the show, but so far, I'm greatly enjoying the first season. Besides, some of you have already purchased Firefly, and that didn't even make it out of its first season. So, I'm sure some of you masochistic TV viewers will be all over this one.

More next time. Probably Onimusha 2, more than likely something else, pulled conveniently from the same place as every other update.

- Don

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