February 11, 2007 -

Master Biscuit

Violins and Apologies.

It's been my relative mission in life not to leave anything unfinished. Half-assed, sure, but not unfinished. Console Biscuits was an idea to increase awareness (mine, especially) to the gaming and general media technology industry and have some friends and fans to share it with. I genuinely enjoyed my time putting together the reviews, the updates, and the links.

That being said, we're doing it again.

The past year of my life was a big transition period for me, but I've moved on from college, into the real world, with a real job in the technology industry. I truly apologize for not following this website more closely, but hopefully now I will have the time, energy, and enthusiasm to include all that I did before and more. We should have comics coming back the week after Duke Nukem Forever is released.

I'm still working on my second book. Pending some graphical review, I think I'm going to make my first book freely available from my website, Kala Empire.com. The first 140 pages of the second book are already posted there. It's been a while since I updated that, too, but I'm trying to put everything back into place, starting right here.

I've got a good handful of reviews ready to go. We'll have a brief 2006 review and then onto some new material. I hope you'll be patient with us as we move on together into 2007. For now, enjoy our graphical excuse below.


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