May 11, 2004 -

Master Cossack

Well, we've made a lot of promises since we were conceived, and we've broken at least 40% of those. To update regularly, to actually deliver updates we said we were going to "later this week..." And that whole comic thing? Yeah, well... blame Bisquick. That's what I do -- and it's fun! I know, at this very moment, I owe you reviews of Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes and Xenosaga, which I never delivered, so let me cover those.

Metal Gear: Twin Snakes -- buy it. Now. Do it. Don't own a Gamecube? Buy one. It's worth it. Oh god, it's worth it. Best game for the system, so far. Besides, cool little things like Star Fox 2 and Resident Evil 4 are coming out soon. So go buy yourself a Gamecube, get Metal Gear: Twin Snakes, and then understand my obsessions. Then, buy a PS2, Metal Gear Solid 2 (Substance, so you get the VR missions, too), and play that. THEN, get Metal Gear Solid 3, coming this November to the PS2. Twin Snakes is a 10 out of 10. Best review ever.

Xenosaga -- hey, it's good. Gorgeous anime graphics, hell of an interesting story, and if you like watching movies, you'll find that there's WAY too many of those in this bundle. Xenosaga 2 is coming out later this year (or early next year, if it's pushed), and so far, it's gold. If you like Sci-Fi and you love playing RPGs, grab this bitch. Plus, every single voice actor to ever appear on an Adult Swim (Cartoon Network) anime dubbed series is featured. 9 out of 10.

Okay, so we got that out of the way. Half-assed? You bet it was. But that's the way we like to do things, here. We tell you about things at the last possible second, so you have time to buy it one week before the price reduction (although to be fair, Xenosaga's been out for over a damn year and it's cheap as fuck). Speaking of telling you things at the last possible second, I'm flying out tonight to study abroad in Russia for the next seven weeks. I'll be back in July with more updates, stories, and maybe some links to picture albums, if you're all very good. will still be online, although the order page has been removed, since I won't be around to ship anything. That, too, will be back online in July, in case any of you missed the pre-opening opportunity to grab a book.

So thanks for the fun times, so far, and we're looking forward to more come the end of summer. And check it out, over 1,000 page views! You love us, you really love us.

Now, seriously, advertise for us or something. Earn your bread.

- Don

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