December 10, 2003 -

Master Biscuit

Our second day of insight into Don's Life features Brandi, Don's girlfriend! While Andrew and I were leaving a campus function, she shouted out "Bye boys!"

There's a whole lot of shit to ramble about today, none of which is potentially useful unless you're an alcoholic, an anime fan, or someone who really thinks Legolas looks like a woman. Let us begin.

A great link for a great idea is Shotglass Chess. Quite understandably, it's a bunch of shotglasses for chess pieces. When one is captured, you dunk the shot. You could probably save money by holding onto a bottle while playing normal chess, but this one is pretty!

Check this out. A new anime movie called Wonderful Days. I found numerous all-region DVD copies on ebay for under 10 bones, plus shipping, so if you enjoy the teaser trailer on the above site (and how couldn't you?), check it out. If the page doesn't load on the first try, press go again and it should appear. I'll let everyone know how it is in a week or so, when I get a chance to watch it after finals.

This next link is a running commentary have to see it for yourself. If you can actually make it past the first page, there are links for the next pages at the very bottom. Enjoy?

Finally, here's an interesting story from IGN on Rockstar's GTA: Vice City. Apparently, the Haitian community wasn't happy with the way they were portrayed in the game, so Rockstar issued a formal apology. It's an interesting read, if nothing more than a minor apology highlighted by multiple citings of "attempts to portray realism" and other ramblings for the freedom of speech, "which is in our right."

At this point, it's in my right to celebrate the last day of classes, and prepare for finals by renting some random game of my choosing.

- Don

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