February 10, 2004 -

Master Biscuit

For anyone who missed Sci Fi's miniseries event Battlestar Galactica, find a way to buy/download/stealfromhobo all four hours of it. It was the best sci fi made in years. The network, much to my excitement, has also decided to carry the show, ordering 13 one-hour episodes to be made for its first season. Read about it here, and here.

I've got a graphic artist working on my book cover. The website is pretty much finished, except for the art that needs to be produced after cover completion. I'm assuming (and since all my previous assumptions about the production of this book have been dead fucking wrong, just ignore me) that we can expect sale to begin in March. Updates as they arrive.

Also, if you missed President Bush's interview on Meet the Press, you can find it here, complete with "translations" of the President's words. My favorite quote today comes from John Stewart on the Daily Show, commenting on Bush's quote that "I think we are welcome in Iraq." John Stewart remarks: "I guess rocket powered grenades are just the Iraqi version of 'Aloha!' "


- Don

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