October 31, 2003 -

Master Biscuit

Happy Halloween to all! I hope everyone has as much fun this weekend as I plan on having. Parties galore tonight, and then something special planned for Saturday night, involving a small roadtrip to Orlando (or O-Town, as well call it here in sweltering hot Florida).

I was planning to attend the parties this evening dressed as a Russian KGB agent, but it has dawned on me that going to a party at a Russian person's house dressed as a gun-toting agent of the former Soviet Union might be construed as a bit...insensitive. Instead, I'll be going as a Vampire with my roommate Andrew. He's pulling the aristocratic angle, with a nice black slacks and white dress shirt ensemble, complete with a very awesome black velvet cloak. Me? I'll be his Vampire bodyguard, in all black, complete with my brand new black leather trench coat.

The next update will be on Sunday or Monday. Enjoy your weekends!

- Don

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