November 11, 2003 -

Master Biscuit

I thought a good 40 of my dollars today would go to purchasing the new Legacy of Kain: Defiance game, oncemore giving my PS2 the adoring attention it deserves, but instead, my ethernet card decided to incinerate itself. As such, I've been offline for about three days, now. I'm back, though, and people have been thoroughly stabbed for this outrage.

IGN is once more my ultimate source of news for the day. They have released comprehensive lists for upcoming games between now and 2005 for the PS2, GameCube, and X-Box as well as the minor system, Game Boy, and the ever trusty PC.

Some of these lists have me more hyper than Timmy without his ritalin. My long forgotten X-Files: Resist or Serve, completed with full-cast participation from the show, apparently highlighting three episodes of the show never aired on television, is now scheduled to be released January 5, 2004, pushed back from its original October debut. I was quite sad when the Rhino Games man told me it was canned. I will now can him, as a result. Final Fantasy X-2 is out next week (hurrah!), and 2004 boasts some RPG sequels including Xenosaga 2, Suikoden IV, and Final Fantasy XI, as well as long awaited titles, including Grand Theft Auto 4, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, Driver 3, and a Dragonball GT fighter, produced by Atari.

GameCube has a few nice lookers, itself. Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles in February aside, it looks as though they're producing a few nice Metal Gear ripoffs, including Mission Impossible: Operation Surma on March 2, and James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing on March 8 (these titles are available on other consoles, but I'm trying to numb the pain of buying a GameCube). Speaking of Metal Gear, Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes is scheduled for March 4, 2004, exclusively for GameCube, at the moment. This is a remake of the Playstation 1 classic, Metal Gear Solid, with up-to-date graphics that compete with Metal Gear Solid 2(PS2) and new cinematic cutscenes, story points, and all of Snake's abilities from the new titles. I, for one, am quite excited.

The Cube has also produced a new Metroid Prime game, and I see Resident Evil 446 on there, too. I think, maybe, that this sequel will feature the Zombie Plague infecting the British Isles, and you have to poison tea or something. I'm a little vague on the plot points. ... No, seriously, they've made enough. The preliminary graphics do look amazing, but I'm skeptical as to what they could possibly be doing with the best-selling franchise to keep it fresh in my numb little head. Only time will tell.

If Ria can ever pry his little fingers from the pocket demon, he'll be reviewing Final Fantasy: Tactics Advanced sometime this or next week.

Oh, and if anyone cares about Prince of Persia, go to Penny Arcade and check out all the highly wonderful things Tycho has to say about it in the previous news updates. Or you could...I guess you could go buy it, or rent it, or something. That would work, too.



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