January 27, 2004 -

Master Fuckhead

Heh, it really hasn't been that long, has it? Okay, so my update's been a tad delayed, but I really haven't touched a video game other than Final Fantasy X-2, which I plan to beat this weekend come hell or high toss of the disc into the air to be followed by the jovial shout of PULL! It's just too fucking tedious, and I stopped caring about that 100% completion bullshit. At this point, I just want 5% of the story and I'll be happy. Thankfully, I'm on the last chapter, and as far as sequels go, Square-Enix can fucking die for being the greatest game producer on the world, to which I can utter no future disparities for fear of losing my place in anime heaven.

I have, on the other hand, seen a copious amount of films, which I'd love to share with you movie-goers. If you are not a movie-goer, you probably don't read this site, anyway. If you do read this site and you don't like movies, you're mentally retarded, and probably won't be reading this site again.

And now, on with the show!

Big Fish starring Ewan McTrainspotting was actually one of the best movies I've seen in a very, very long time. We're talking Oscar nominations, people! It's a touching story of a dying father retelling his life story to his estranged son, which is a mixed reality of tales and tall-tales. A truly brilliant work from the creative mind of Tim Burton. No real activity on the Wood Scale, unless you like pregnant bellies or Jessica Lange crawling into a tub fully clothed. Still, beautiful picture.

And now, my review of Torque.

Finally, new to DVD is the instant cult classic Once Upon a Time in Mexico. From Robert Rodriguez, good friend of Quentin Tarantino, we are presented with the third movie of the lone gun mariachi series (El Mariachi, Desperado). This seems more of a direct sequel to Desperado, and it hillariously utilizes Johnny Depp's charm on that twisted, dirty level that you saw seeping through his Disney-restricted Captain Jack Sparrow. If you liked Antonio Banderas in the other one, you'll love him in this one, but more than anything, you'll just laugh your ass off quoting Depp lines. Rent it. Buy it. Just see it. "Are you a Mexican or a Mexican't?"

Speaking of Tarantino, keep your eyes out for the Kill Bill: Volume 1 DVD release here in a couple weeks, and the theatrical release of Volume 2 a few weeks after that. Before or in March, I think.

That's all for now. I'll be starting Xenosaga and Beyond Good & Evil this weekend to try and clear my list of games before Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater and Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles come out in two weeks. The new James Bond game, too, although I think I may wait for Andrew to grab that one. My wallet just can't take the excitement.


Oh, and the, uh... the lack of update thing? Yeah, that was Ria's fault. Everything is his fault. Just go with me on this one, people.

(Foundation for Finishing Don's Book. The opinions of this organization do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Don, but hey, he hasn't denied shit)

- Don

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