November 23, 2003 -

Master Biscuit

Every man needs a pat on the back sometimes, to know that his accomplishments have been noted. What better source of encouragement than a mother?

Don's Mom: And this is where our money went?
Don's Mom: WOM?!

Console Biscuits...because your parents will love what you've done with your life. I had to show her the website, and she seemed impressed with the images and such. I think she liked making fun of my name the most. But hey, she did check out my $400 wish list from Best Buy, and she didn't hang up on me! In fact, she said she'd shop tomorrow, so rock on.

She also reminded me that late night conversations with your family are the funniest, in retrospect.

Don's Mom: Want to hear a funny story about your dog?
Don: Is she still alive?
Don's Mom: Yes.
Don: Then sure, go for it.

Oh, to come from a normal family.

I've recently been in contact with a copy center in town, which is more than willing to work with me on a "print-on-demand" basis for my science fiction series. I have a meeting Monday or Tuesday to discuss paperback sizing, production costs, and all the important details. I'm also 50% done with my cover-to-cover final edit, checking for any grammatical errors that Word missed. If everything goes according to schedule, the editing will be finished on December 7. At that point, I need to get the final copies of the cover completed (currently in progress by our man, Ria), and then it's a simple matter of writing a back-cover summary and inner-cover details. Then, it's done. All done. I submit everything, and in 48 hours, I have a book. I will be establishing a website in late December or early January for sale of the book via paypal, after which I will personally ship the book myself to buyers. This site being my other project, look for frivolously posted links to that site in about a month. Maybe Ria will be awesome and help me with images over there, too.

But don't worry about all my attention on my other site, Console Biscuits. I shant forget about you! Especially since half my wish list for Christmas is video games.

- Don

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