September 25, 2005 -

Master Biscuit

WTF, mate?

That's right, we're not dead. While gas prices had begun to force the blade ever closer, a release week larger than anything we've ever experienced has brought us back from the edge. This week, we'll be posting several updates as part of our special "We apologize that the entertainment industry has sucked monkeys recently" extravaganza. Updates will include:

Gaming: Marvel Nemesis; X-Men Legends 2; Indigo Prophecy; and Shin Megami Tensei: The Digital Devil Saga.

Movies: Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (that's right, we've seen it).

PC Gaming: Age of Empires III.

Music: Trapt, Institute, Disturbed, and 10 Years.

And if that's not enough, I may even drive to St. Louis just to kill Ria if he doesn't produce comics! It'll be fun for the whole family.

Join us, won't you?

- Don

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