2003-10-27 -

Master Biscuit

Apparently, it's not a crime for the news media to knowingly lie about a story. It's just a bad policy. This article speaks for itself, so I'm not going to dwell.

In lighter, happier news, I've recently had the liberty of looking over the preliminary design specifications for the Playstation 3. There are acronyms floating around for this machine, like the PSX, but I'm sure Sony realized they already named the original and obsolete Playstation by the same, and subsequently kicked themselves for it. I am content referring to the next generation Playstation as PS3, but PSX lovers no doubt believe that numbers have no place in the future, where this godlike machine hails from.

For those of you who are not familiar with technobabble, allow me to summarize what you've just read: The Playstation 3 will come against the demon hordes dwelling in the valley of Megiddo and crush their uprising with a mere blink of its processing light. Shortly after, cancer will be cured and the genetic code of God will be sent via wireless internet to the Muslim countries of the Middle East, thus bringing about world peace.

I can't describe how terribly awesome the Playstation 3 will be without frivolously exaggerating my boyish glee with the word 'fuck.' Fuck fuck fuck, how fucking cool is this fucking shit? Dude. Fuck. Cool. Sweet. Fuck. Fucking Sweet. Wow.


A hard drive and built-in broadband support with a DVD burner, TiVO, and a coffer maker? Why don't they just throw in a blowjob while they're at it? Christmas of 2005 will be a good time, and the mere thought of Final Fantasy or Devil May Cry on a machine this powerful frightens me. I've no doubt that if the Playstation 4 is not linked to your brain with some kind of neural processor, it will fail as even a modest upgrade from the PS3. They'll have to seriously out-do themselves come 2010.

For more information on the PS3, check out another IGN story, featuring some minor news on upcoming games, and the PS3 Insider, which is probably the best source of information on the new system.

This week is riddled with two tests, a midterm, and of course, Halloween, as well as a small weekend roadtrip. While I will be busy, I'll probably have time to post a detailed review of Rogue Squadron 3 sometime around Wednesday or Thursday.

Finally, I want to thank everyone who has put up links for Console Biscuits either in their webpages, forum signatures, AIM profiles, or wherever else. Keep it up and drop those links to your friends!

[End shameless plug]

- Don

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