August 29, 2004 -

Master Biscuit

Diet Console Biscuits ... now with fewer updates!

It would more than likely behoove this update if I had something worthwhile to say. Alas, much to the benefiting fortune of those studying me, I have not changed. I got nothin', except a handful of movies I still haven't seen, and just a few I have. How about we start with a few online quizzes? Final Fantasy fans unite.

Which Final Fantasy Guy are you?

Which Final Fantasy Melody are you?

And now, here's the relevant news.


For anyone who was not previously aware, the Batman Begins trailer is here. If that site isn't working well, you can try

Bandwidth Alert, psychotic fanboys, and girls ... the Farscape: Peacekeeper Wars trailer is out, coming to Sci-Fi this October.

Good stuff. In case you haven't seen the previous seasons of Farscape and you want to catch up, just cough up about $500 for the most overpriced series since the X-Files and Star Trek made it to DVD. Not that the show isn't good, but NO SHOW is worth over $100 per season.

As for DVDs, anime fans will be delighted at Dragonball Z: Bojack Unbound. It's one of the coolest DBZ movies by far, and the dubbing was actually pretty good, for once. Maybe I'm just biased because of Super Saiyan 2 Gohan, Future Trunks, and Vegeta stealing the stage.

Girl Next Door is on DVD. Elisha Cuthbert is hot as fuck. Haven't watched the movie, yet. Waiting for my roommates, like a good boy pretending he didn't buy the movie because of the star being hot.

Did I tell you to go to Red vs Blue to buy Season 2, yet? It's $20 bucks, it's hillarious, and you can still order season 1 if you're a newbie to the series. Halo fans unite, you won't be disappointed with the comedy on this DVD. Also, if you just want something to get you excited about Halo 2 (coming in November) ... you'll ... okay, this has nothing to do with Halo 2. Buy their shit, anyway. And go to Best Buy and pre-order the Special Edition of Halo 2 for $5. It'll be $55 on November 2, or 9, or sometime in the first 10 days of November. What am I, a calender?

Video Games.

Hey, by the way, we still do video games, here. Since I work at Best Buy, I've been playing the demo of Burnout 3 for about a week. It is quite possibly the absolute coolest racing game ever invented. It hits shelves September 10. Trust me, if you've ever liked a single driving game, you'll happily fork over $50 for this GOD of driving games.


I know I said I'd review Midtown, but I lied to you, because you don't care. Their new song "Give it Up" is featured on their new album and the Spiderman 2 soundtrack. It's decent, but it's not mind-blowing. I'll get back to you.

Yellowcard is a great new rock/alternative band worth checking out. You've probably heard a few of their singles on the radio: "Way Away," "Breathing," "Only One." The CD is worth owning. Highlight points for your downloading pleasure will also include: "Gifts and Curses," "Empty Apartment," "Back Home," "Twenty-Three," "One Year, Six Months." The first three I mentioned are upbeat, but the lyrics are longing. Something like a Simple Plan feel. The other songs are slower, depressing ... something like a Dashboard Confessional feel.

Finally, Switchfoot. They're new, they're good, and damn, they're depressing. "Meant to Live" is probably their most upbeat song, with the exception of maybe "Gone." That one's more lively, but none of their lyrics are particularly enthusiastic, unless you read between the lines. But it's hard to find positive emotional meaning when the band sounds like they're crying for lost love. I'm enjoying them in my lower, depressed phases, but I wouldn't listen if you want to keep a smile on your face for a while.

That's all. Movie reviews to come, and I might actually play something other than Halo one day. It's just so therapeutic.

Oh, if you care, X-Box versions (which destroy the PS2 counterparts, graphically -- one of the few times you can actually tell) of NCAA 2005 are okay, Madden 2005 is better, and Brian still owes me $50. THAT is all.

- Don

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