July 10, 2004 -

Master Biscuit

And we're back! Russia was fun, and let's never speak of it again. Unless Ria wants to do a comic.

... yeah, we're never gonna speak of it again.

Moving on, I'm still stuck here in Orlando for another week until I'm back at my apartment, and consequently, all my gaming consoles. Oh, how I've missed thee, gaming consoles. But, while in Russia, I composed a wish list of games that I plan to purchase, in preparation for the sequels:

Jak & Daxter 1 and 2, before 3's out this fall.

ICO, because ... I'm a masochist.

Geist, because German words are scary.

Drakengard, because it's a BIG FUCKING DRAGON.

Onimusha 2, because I own a katana, and I need more pointers, and Onimusha 3 is out.

And Hitman 3. Yeah, I know I was buying things in preparation for the sequels, but I already own Hitman 2, as should you. And I ... I really need Hitman 3, because I am a complete and total fucking psychopath that needs to find murderous expression through video games, before society feels my wrath.


I am still debating Driver 3, or Driv3r, as they creatively wove it, because I read the box, and it wasn't 2 player. I loved Driver 1 and 2 so much because of the multiplayer functions; the cop vs non-cop chase kill shit. Anyone familiar with the series knows how insanely difficult (and drunkenly funfun!) the "Survival" mode was, too, although I do believe they have kept this feature. That alone may make it. Anyone not familiar with the series, Survival places your car in the middle of a park in the middle of the city, and four insanely fast police cruisers are flying at you from every direction. Your object: survive. Brian and I used to get drunk and see who would get the best time.

It ... might just be a guy thing.

Speaking of guy things, Playboy: The Mansion is in production, which places you, Hugh Hefner, in charge of building your very own Playboy Mansion in the design and construct fashion of The Sims games. Afterwards, you host parties with a bunch of celebrities and half naked people, and from that point, it's like the Sims, only far more interesting. I'll update as I learn more.

I've also had my eye on the upcoming RPG, Tales of Symphonia, out next week, and a 3DO game that had fallen out of production but has now been resurrected by a new company titled Four Horsemen. It's one of those insanely cool Armageddon games that you know someone like me must have. And if you're still reading my rants after all this time, you probably want it, too.

Many more reviews as I put my head together and get my precious consoles back. I put in some applications at the video game stores, so we'll see how THAT all works out.

Bye for now.

- Don

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