2003-10-26 - 1:27 a.m.

Master Biscuit

Mucho, mucho thanks goes out to Ria for finishing the link images and redesigning the side logo slightly. Instead of Ria looking like "Woo Diggity?" he now resembles something more of a "Perchance, Don, a woo-diggity?" I am amused. I'd also like to give mucho credit to Brandi, who has helped me greatly with mastering HTML for the management of this site. Thank you to both.

Not much to say. A few minutes ago, we all Michael J. Fox'ed back an hour. I had this message written then, but now I'm going to post it a whole hour earlier, which I'm sure will be devastating to the space/time continuum.

I checked my bank account earlier, only to discover that I was missing a small portion of money. However, after thinking about how I spent my Saturday, I think I remember why. Enjoy.

- Don

Master Biscuit

I don't know why, but the site continued showing some of the old images, even after they had been removed, as well as links on the left side instead of the images. In fact, it's happened twice now, even after I "fixed" it. It might be a temporary internet file thing, but even with refreshing, I couldn't see the new images on the site. However, after I wiped my internet files, everything showed up fine. Just a heads up, in case it happens to our readers, too. I'll keep monitoring it.

- Don

Master Biscuit

Hey, check it out. We have over 100 hits! Thanks, everyone!

- Don

Master Biscuit

I -think- that when I'm using the edit entry function, it's trying (for some unknown reason) to revert the page back to its original design. Now that I know what's causing it, it won't happen again.

- Don

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