October 03, 2005 -

Master Biscuit

Eventually, it had to happen.

A Sci-Fi movie worth watching. Serenity, based on the ill-fated Joss Whedon series Firefly, was an incredibly well-written film. The character banter was flawless, and the story was very satisfying to the tune of many unanswered questions from the short [cancelled] series. While some are claiming that the movie's success will bring about the return of the series, there are also supposedly two more movies planned by writer/director Whedon, so we'll just have to see what happens. There are some unexpected twists in the movie that fans may or may not appreciate, but even for those who aren't familiar with the series, the movie establishes a comfortable atmosphere to affiliate all movie-goers. It's definitely worth seeing.

Coming up next, Marvel Nemesis. I'm just waiting on the completion of a new comic.

- Don

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