November 04, 2005 -

Master Biscuit

Did you hear what happened to Bob?

Some little bastard crawled all over him for about ten minutes, and then -- I shit you not -- stabbed him right in his special magical weak point.

Shadow of the Colossus is quite possibly the most beautiful adventure into a fantasy realm that has ever been produced in our modern world. As Tycho said over at Penny Arcade, every living organism should at least see this game. While the game is not a hardened action title as might be received by the concept of fighting these Titan creatures, it does provide an opportunity for gamers to lose themselves in an epic quest of love and loss, and maybe kill something along the way. Who knows? If there's time.

The basic concept, here, is that your lover is dead, and in order to resurrect her, you have to kill 16 Colossi -- huge, massive creatures armored to the bone with brutal and devestating attacks to someone as large as their toe, IE: you. The Colossi are connected to the planet with some mystic power, and in defeating them, you will gather this power for yourself and be able to raise your lost love.

Now, here's the kicker: the Colossi are the only enemies in the entire game. A grand majority of your time will be spent galavanting around a stunning and miraculously graphic world, similar to the Middle Earth scenes in Peter Jackson's LotR series. All the while, a soundtrack is rolling through your speakers, forcing the most docile mood on you. This game is literally the most soothing experience I've ever seen.

But then, when you actually find one of the Colossi, your sword and bow are at the ready, and you drive forward into battle, scaling this mammoth creature to the very top and plunging your sword deep into his special magical weak point [Penny Arcade.] It's a little more complicated than that. You end up stabbing him a bunch of times all over his body, just to be a spiteful little bastard, but the point stands. This game...solid gold. Everyone -- EVERYONE -- should at least see it. Watch someone play it, you don't even have to pick up the controller. Just...stare at it, like Chris did. We were playing all these games, popped in Shadow, and for the longest time, we were in complete silence. I tried to finally speak, but all he said was "Sshh."


I'd give this game a complete 10, but I feel compelled to drop it for the general population. Point here being, most gamers will not completely appreciate the time and patience you put into roaming this graphically amazing world just to fight a Colossi from time to time. Most people want God of War satisfaction for their killings, and Shadow of the Colossus is just not that kind of game. So take heed -- this isn't for everyone.

I'll drop Indigo Prophecy on here, next. I would've updated sooner, but I can't stop playing Soul Calibur 3 long enough to even eat.

Yeah. It's that good.

- Don

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