November 08, 2003 -

Master Biscuit

To even try and put down a solid frame-by-frame review of SSX 3 would demean its existence, and quite frankly, waste some valuable snowboarding time. It's been a few days since the site was updated, and this has been partly due to Homecoming activities, partly due to book editing (yes, my book), and partly due to some much needed downtime with Brandi and some awesome video games. While Soul Reaver 2 has been entertaining my post-editing periods of mind numbness, SSX 3 takes the cake as most played video game this week. Here's why:

It rocks.

And there you have it. Absolutely gorgeous landscapes, some of the most innovative terrain designs (slopes, man...slopes), and some relatively decent music contribute to one of the best freestyle X-Games related console movements ever. EA Big has truly outdone themselves. With race options, freestyle options, general exploration options (just navigate the slopes for fun) and hundreds, repeat, hundreds of features to unlock (including trading cards, posters, toy figures, CHEAT CHARACTERS!!!, clothing, boards, and other cool, humerous apparel), this is a game that you, your roommates, and even your girlfriend will totally appreciate for weeks to come.

I give this game a solid 10/10. It has huge replay value, two player options, and enough material to keep it as absolutely cool as possible until EA Big somehow outdoes themselves with the release of SSX 4. Rent it if you don't believe me, but for the love of god, buy this game.

Legacy of Kain: Defiance comes out Tuesday. Since I won't be done Soul Reaver 2 by then, I'll be delayed in my purchase, and any subsequent news. But check out IGN in the meantime if you're bored. Lots of pictures and movies to hold you over. Final Fantasy X-2 and that new James Bond game come out later this month, too. Oh, to have a job...

- Don

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