October 26, 2004 -

Team Biscuit (Fuck Yeah!)

If the opening theme song doesn't get you, then you just don't get it. Team America presents a brilliant parody of global politics that everyone should experience at least once. America -- FUCK YEAH! Now that's just brilliant.

Matt and Trey push their opinions on the population once again, churning up old South Park jokes with new CNN headlines that will make you sigh as you realize that it's only funny because it's true. But hey, that's what makes it funny.

There's not much to say about this film. It's stupid humor, but what else do you expect from the creators of South Park? Just remember, Alec Baldwin is the greatest actor in the world. I'd probably toss this puppet-fucking, durka-durka movie a 7/10. It's funny, it's inventive, but sometimes, it's a bit much. Still, check it out. Or wait for the unrated DVD that will include the banned NC-17 material.

Puppet fucking.

As a completely unrelated sidenote, Empire Rising over at KalaEmpire.com has been marked down to $12, which includes shipping. Rolling Stone calls my book "...What?" And Stephen King personally did not return my email with one of the greatest reviews I've ever seen. Long story short, buy my book.

Seriously. Now.

- Don

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