November 25, 2003 -

Master Biscuit

Ah, Thanksgiving, the time to go back and beat Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, or, in my case, do three projects for school that inherently interrupt precious book-writing time. I had a meeting this morning with the publishing center who is going to do my print-on-demand deal. I'm going to buy in quantity from them, and then market it all myself, but we've been down this conversational path, before. I did, however, get price quotes today, and it turns out it's going to be cheaper than I originally thought. That's good news, for me and for the consumer. Just need to get that cover done and write up the back-cover summary and I'm all set! And... finish editing.

So that's what I'll be doing for the next five days, along with those THREE PROJECTS THAT SHOULD DIE. This site may or may not be updated, depending on the presence of something humerous. Short of that, there will not be a single video game involved, except the ROM of SNES's Super Mario World. You should, ah... go... get it, if you haven't at this point, about 10 years later. Yeah. I'm gonna go now.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

- Don


I don't exist! I don't exist! I'm a figment of your imagination! I will never speak on this site, ever! HAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

... Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy the artwork.

- Ria

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