December 07, 2003 -

Master Biscuit

What a ridiculously unnecessary waste of my time. The Simpsons: Hit & Run promised that if you collected all 7 collectors cards from each level (that's 49 cards), they'd give you a new episode of Itchy and Scratchy. The episode was an utterly worthless comparison to the top-notch hysterics that come from the animated series. It's a disappointment, so don't bother.

... The game's still good, though. The last level alone is worth playing through the game. It's hillarious.

I think Jedi Academy is giving me migraines. They like making their environments too active, complete with shaking screens to emphasize wind. Yeah, I get it, it's windy. But the fact that I can see four of that person because the game wants me to believe my vision is blurred is actually making my vision blurry. When I want realism like that, I'll strap VR to my temples. Leave my screen alone, bastards.

I bought Andrew the game XIII yesterday for PC. It's much with the amazing. At first glance, I thought the comic/cartoon style graphic approach would be childish and poorly worked. In actuality, it's more of a brilliantly-elaborated adult graphic novel, with the shaky, conspiratorial voice of Fox Mulder himself, El David, to actually make you believe the high-end rambling of amnesia. X-Files makes a comeback, just with a lot more guns and dumber enemies.

Oh, X-Files. How I long for that game come January, or February. Whichever it is. I don't care THAT much to actually have the date memorized.

For everyone interested, I set today, December 7, as my deadline for editing completion. I have, in fact, finished editing the entire book and completely converted it to the publisher's formatting guidelines. It's 334 pages, and just over 115,000 words. Not a bad first attempt, if I do say so myself. I'm registering my domain name this week, and come December 18 (thereabouts), I'll build my website to sell the book. Before January, I'll have all the copies, and the website will open for business.

And now, off to study for my last test before finals. Much with the excited -- love, Don.

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