November 15, 2003 -

Master Biscuit

We've been in operation for almost one month, and so far, we've had over three hundred visitors, and more than 1,000 page views. We'd just like to thank everyone who has supported us, told their friends, advertised in their AIM profiles, so on and so forth. Also, whoever the people are in the eastern hemisphere who are reading this page... hi. That is all.

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The people over at Red vs Blue have finally finished their DVD, from the looks of it. Keep checking back at their site this month and next for the item to appear in their store. They've been really nice to us here at Console Biscuits so far, expressing numerous thanks for the banner on your left linking to their site. I've received three different emails, all in gratitude. Be assured, we will be purchasing this DVD when it's ready.

But pleasantry aside, let me just say that the RIAA should fuck off and die. I have spent the last several days searching online for sources to download MP3s legally...that is, so the black ops helicopter of the RIAA doesn't descend upon my residence and kill everyone I've ever known. My search has been less than fruitful. The only real sites I can find are those that want me to drop a membership fee without actually showing me their available archives or providing me with accurate searches to confirm what I want is in their offerings. I actually found one site that offered a search of their archive, and not at all surprising, whatever you typed in, they said they had it. I came to this conclusion when they confirmed the song "your website is lying to me, isn't it, Ensign Fuckstick?" was readily available.

Before I continue my rant, it should be known that my computer is running Windows 98. Yeah, I know I live in the Stone Age. If you want to do something about it, buy me a new computer. Otherwise, I'm stuck with what I have. The new Napster program is only available for Windows XP. And this wonderful iTunes thing that Ria won't shut up about? Windows 2000 or XP. Why is it that I can go download Kazaa Lite or Blubster or practically any file sharing device and download music without so much as a thought on my current operating system, but if I want to do it legally I have to purchase a new computer that is running the latest version of Windows Sig Heil? Why, you ask? Because consumerism is a big fat greedy whore. So, I just get to sit here and listen to the radio for 4 hours, finally getting to hear the song I want to hear... the DJ talks through the first 20 seconds of it, and cuts off the last 20 seconds. And why shouldn't he? It's just music. Not like the fucker was singing. But hey, at least it's legal.

Just a tip. This whole MP3 thing? It's been around for a while, and it's not going anywhere. So maaaaybe, and I could be reaching here, but just maybe, if you want to persuade people to seek MP3s on a more legitimate and legal level, such as offering them for $.99 each... you should offer their availability on all the current operating systems.

For now, I suppose I'll just borrow CDs from friends, or have them make me a copy. I think that's still legal, although I hear they're trying to protect CDs in some new and brilliant method of technology to prevent sharing. I think they send you home with a pitt bull, and if you turn the volume up too loud so other people can hear it, the pitt bull bites you in the groin as hard as it can.

At least renting games is still legal. X-Box games "Dead or Alive: Extreme Beach Volleyball" and "LotR: Return of the King" game reviews in a few days.

- Don

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